Crunch time coming...
Tuesday, March 22, 2011I am excited, but stressed, and my GL's reflect that. They are running a bit higher these past few days, even with the change from novolin n to lantus. Still, at least they are a more level high, and still under two hundred. I think I hate it most when they fluctuate and yo yo all over the place.
Right now, I am in the process of selling a number of things, which, requires me to not only be working, and packing, but to also keep my house clean for when people come over to look at things. Grr... on my best day I am not the most organized person. I try, but my computer is working fine, so, I have trouble finding time to keep my house in fifties house wife fashion.
Posting items on the craigslist can really be an exciting adventure! I get replies from all kinds of spammers, freaks and wackos! Oh, I know that isn't nice, but sadly, it is more than true. If I post something for $75, I will invariable get at least a few responses that say something like "I buy $60". What kind of negotiation is that? I am no stranger to flea markets and yard sales so I am all for haggling for a deal, but hey, "I buy $60" is, IMHO, a very lame attempt. Not to mention I've got 10 people willing to pay the $75, why would I ever take $60?
Then of course, I get those people who think that the scientists are wrong, and the world does not revolve around the sun, it in fact revolves around them. They seem to think I should re-arange my schedule, take a day off work, roll out the red carpet, and be available in the next ten minutes for them to come see whatever it is I am selling, and oh, by the way, will I take $60? Lol.
My most insurmountable task though has been one that my Fiance' just simply doesn't seem to recognize as being as much work as it has been. Both my fiance' and I are paper collectors. Mail, Drs reports, utility bills, paycheck stubs (we still have pay stubs from 2 years ago that we actually brought from the mainland to here. Really? Really.) You name it, we keep it. I'm not sure why though, who needs an electric bill from from almost two years ago? I had four drawers of papers to go through. Four BIG drawers. Took me hours. Of course Joe Joe came home, looked at the house, and promptly said "I thought you were going to pack today?" Insert Yosemite Sam style behavior here. I swear sometimes, all the "bra burning" in the sixties did was make us look better in our t-shirts while we women still do all the household things while holding down a job to boot!
He's a good man though, and I love him dearly. Sometimes, he does the sweetest things. We walked to Wally World last evening to buy suitcases. He was going to spend extra money to buy me a nice girly one but I settled for a sensible black one because it was cheaper. Along the way, for no particular reason, right there on the side of the street, he stopped and kissed me, right there in front of God and everyone. I felt like a teenager . It might sound funny, but it was a nice outing. We walked home too, carting our suitcases along behind us like vagabonds. People looked at us strangly but it was okie, we are kinda strange.
Only two more days left of work here on the Island. It will be so nice to have a bit of time off. Even better, my Fiance' will be done with work at the end of the week and we will have time off together. That will be really different for us. He works during the week, and has the weekends off, and I work all weekend, and have most of the week days off. As with a lot of couples it seems like the only time we get to spend together is at the end of a long day when one, or the other, is completely exausted.
I'm not felling well today, neither is my man. With our luck we will both be sick as dogs during our trip! Isn't that the way it always goes?
now, go listen to some good music!