Diabetic Rocket Science
Wednesday, March 2, 2011I don't have a high school diploma. I have a G.E.D. The reason I have that instead of a diploma is because of math. When I attended high school (half a millenia ago it seems) you were required to pass algebra 1. Sadly, no matter how hard I tried, I just could not reconcile numbers AND letters. Each on their own can be a hard enough concept for me to conquer, but together, it was a completely insurmountable task. This being said, I'm not totally stupid when it comes to adding and subtracting. I can even tackle multiplication and division! Okie, I use my fingers to keep place sometimes, but still, I'm not fully unfortunate.
All semi-seriousness aside (I like to use that saying, it makes me feel semi-humorous ) I never realized how much math is included in maintaining good glucose control. Really, you need to be a rocket scientist! It seems I spend half my day counting. I count carbs, units, and carb to insulin ratios. That doesn't even include glucose level corrections. Whew! I found I do NOT have enough fingers for all that counting!
Finding myself nearing mental fatigue I finally decided there has got to be a better way, but, other than adding my toes to my daily repertoire, I couldn't imagine another method. So, I referred to my trusy friend Google. Being a helpful chap, he found me a much easier method lickity split like! I found some very cool and groovy applications.
The first one, unfortunately, was for an Android phone. Wow, there are diabetics out there who, after all the money spent on test strips, actually have some left for smart phones? Who knew! If you're one of those lucky people, here's the link.
The second one I found is a calculator like device. It is really pretty neat and I plan on buying one so I NEVER have to do math again, even when I'm out and about living the life I sometimes have outside of diabetes. Here's the link for that one.
The last one I found is online, and was EXACTLY what I was looking for! I felt like Goldilocks! It is perfect, I bow down to it's excellence. Picture me Wayne and Garth style, on my knees, saying "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy". Yeah, I'm an idiot lol. But WOW will it make my life less complicated. So, with much ado, here's the link to the almighty insulin dose calculator!
Now go listen to some good music!
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