A sad day for Japan...

I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy and concern for everyone in Japan, as well as the people world over who have loved ones in the area of the earthquake and tsunamis. This has been a tradgedy of true monumental proportions and will affect the lives of so many. Thanks to modern media, what once might have seemed like a far flung disaster, is now brought directly into our homes, live, in high definition, making the television footage absolutely heartbreaking, and at times, difficult to watch.

I don't have a whole lot to say today, I mean, really, what is there to say? The newspaper tells me at least 1,000 people are presumed dead, and the number is expected to continue climbing. Hundreds, if not thousands of homes have been destroyed, fires are raging, and officials are concerned about a radiation leak at a nuclear power plant. Again I ask, what do you say to that? It's not like you can pat someone on the back and say "There, there, it will be okay". The truth is, their lives will probably never be quite the same again.

So, because I am not close enough to hold somebodies hand, hug them, or hold them while they cry, I will do the only thing I can do. Pray.

No music today, I think a moment of silence would be more appropriate.

Feel free to use this image to show your support for Japan.


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